Year: 2019

Burch hit a home run

Hounds and fans, Matt Burch hit a home run at Southwest Park today. TJ owes him Kuma’s.
The Hounds have three games coming up this weekend with a makeup game at 3 pm on Sunday.
Happy Daddy (Father’s) Day!

Hounds Split DH at Walther

The Chicago Hounds split a doubleheader v. the Orioles at Walther Christian Academy today. Both scores were 5-3, the second game (and the Hound victory) took 8 innings instead of the regular 7.
Former Hound Jake Tedlund got his 3rd win v. the Hounds with the victory in game 3. The Hounds scored 3 runs in the first (the first 3 batters all scored), but they never tallied another run in the rest of the game.

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Hounds give another team their first win

The Chicago Hounds are now 3-3 after losing 13-8 to the formerly winless Pirates at a sloppy Proviso East baseball field today. It was sunny, but after the flash flood watch last night, Maywood was unplayable–despite the clear lie by the opposing manager who claimed it was playable prior to the game. But, I am happy with my apology. Frankly, that started an overall lousy day. But hey, Stephen Correa Jr. got his number 5 jersey and was on the winning side with Lili and Maddie, so all good.

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Hounds win 16-5!

Q: When is a walkoff, not really a walkoff?
A. When the team is leading by a wide margin, and does not take the lead with the final hit?

B. When the the final run results from a triple with an error, and not a home run?

C. When the umpire calls the game after an 11-run lead, when the league rule is 12?

D. When the umpire may have called the game for the cannot-start-an-inning-after-8-pm-CMBA rule?

E. When the player who hit the triple, sneaks into the manager’s bag and tries to change the official scorekeeper’s ruling?

F. All of the above?
Tonight, the answer was probably all of the above.

Continue reading “Hounds win 16-5!”