Author: Matthew Steffens

Hounds Squeak by Trojans

The Chicago Hounds defeated the Trojans 12-11 today in a sloppy, sloppy last regular season game for this Hounds manager. The Hounds overall team baserunning was atrocious, and the defense was even worse, including a 4-error multi-run inning, but the Hounds managed to squeak out a win, just barely.

Nicholas Freeman (#10, P), who originally gave me the idea to start the Hounds when we were on the Red Sox back in 2006, pitched the first inning of the game, and had a clean, scoreless book for his single frame. He threw to his Mexican league battery-mate Hans Hetrick (#18, C), and it was a nice moment for the three of us as I got to secure his 1-2-3 inning with a 6-3 putout from short.
Matt Burch (#6, 1B/P) then took the hill and the Hounds had their first tough inning and the Trojans took a rare early lead. Matthew Steffens (#6, SS/P/3B) then threw 4 solid innings for the win, despite quite a few errors from the Hounds defense. Justin Thornton (#9, 2B/P/SS) and Mike DiCola (#28, RF/1B/EH/P) closed things out in the 7th for the win, with the save credited to DiCola.
We celebrated at K’s and Mel of open mic and Too White Crew fame said the following: (1) when he found out we beat the Electrons for K’s Cup he was teaching guitar for a kid and he got the text from his girlfriend and he yelled: “Oh Shit Yeah!” and the young shocked tutoree looked at him as Mel said “sorry, this is important”; (2) he gave up on baseball after the 1992 strike, but the Hounds have brought him back to baseball and (3) because I cannot be at the next open mic night (I will be in New Orleans) he said he will host a special Hounds open mic on the night of my choosing when I get back in town. Super, super nice gesture from a great guy. There just must be something about people named Mel.

The Hounds play the Vikings tomorrow night at Taft High School, where we expect TJ Rinaldi to hit multiple home runs. Then the Hounds face the Pirates for the 1 game play-in game for the playoffs on Saturday at a field and time to be determined. I hope we win as I will miss both games and I definitely want to play more baseball in the first round of the “real” playoffs the following week.

Hounds win in bizarre fielder’s choice/error walk-off

The Chicago Hounds are now 15-14 after a 7-6 bizarre win v. the Marlins at SW Park tonight. The Hounds have 4 games in 5 days to end the 2019 CMBA season and are hoping to clinch a playoff spot this weekend by sweeping games v. the Electrons (for K’s Cup) and the Orioles. With 2 wins in the final 4 the Hounds will secure the playoff spot over the Yankees and Vikings. The Hounds also play the Trojans and Vikings to end the season.
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Hounds need 8 innings to beat the Pirates

The Chicago Hounds won 9-5 over the Pirates in an 8-inning 100 degree game at Veterans Memorial Maywood Park this morning. The Hounds are now 14-14, took the season series from the Pirates 2 games to 1, and have just 5 games left in the 2019 CMBA regular season. Tim Riggenbach (#8, P) threw a solid 4 innings to start, and then Kurt Kerrigan (#12, DH/P) threw a just as solid 4 innings in relief.

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The Hounds won 13-1 in a 6-inning-slaughter fest v. Ramirez Baseball today. Everyone got in the game, the Hounds played well on offense, defense, and pitching. As always, we beat up the bad teams, but we are are .500 against the middle teams, and really struggle against the good teams. The 2019 CMBA playoffs are still a possibility, but it will require the Hounds to win as many of the last 6 games as possible.

Continue reading “Perspective”

Kruse Bombs Game

Normally I do not call out errors. I may mention them, but don’t mention the player, as I feel it is unfair and even unkind. But tonight is different, because I have never seen a player who hit a mammoth home run bomb look so utterly despondent after a game, as rightly or wrongly, he was blaming himself for the loss.

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Hounds Regress to the Mean and are .500 again at 11-11

Last night the Hounds’ first priority was preventing a forfeit as they were struggling to get enough players to Maywood on a Tuesday night. But after fighting traffic and picking up Nelson Bowers (#48, 1B) at the final green line stop, the Hounds had enough for a full squad literally just one minute before game time. Scorekeeper Nick Ingram (#36) showed up ready to play despite his broken wrist, just to help the team have enough to avoid the -2 point penalty for a forfeit. Baseball is definitely a team sport, but a team truly relies on individuals such as Nick.

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